So I just came across the most amazing campaign on the
Obsolete blog:
Save the Words. It's a campaign from Oxford Dictionaries to save words that are no longer commonly used from being deleted from the English language. You can choose a word to adopt from their long list of words or have them pick one out for you. The goal is to get people to adopt words and use them in life, on the internet, in art, or anywhere else that will get it noticed. You can even buy a t-shirt that has your adopted word written across it!
I just adopted "squiriferous," which means, "having the qualities of a gentleman." Since gentlemanly qualities seem to be on their way to extinction as well, I thought this would be an appropriate word to save!
If you want to save a word, (or twenty!), go to the
website, register, and pick a word! By the way, it's totally free. Let me know if you pick one! We can all be adoptive parents together :)